OOPS! Another Shelby County Health Department "Glitch"

CORRECTION: the Shelby County Health Department reported 125 new coronavirus cases from 161 tests on Monday, which would give the day a positivity rate of 77.6%. During the Joint Task Force briefing, chief epidemiologist David Sweat said there had been a “glitch” and that the number was actually 1,500.  That would give the day a positivity rate of 8.2%.

Among the 141 new jobs created as a result of the Covid-19 situation at SCHD, some are solely for the purpose of communications with the public. Good to see they are making sure the "glitches" are well communicated.

Last week, the world learned of the departments communications of a letter sent to a deceased woman informing her that she must quarantine. Deceased in FEBRUARY. What's more questionable- the accuracy of SCHD's positive test rate? After all they claim a woman who passed away 5 months ago is positive, or the fact that SHELBY COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT is sending out quarantine letters to dead people claiming that they are positive for Covid?

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